Wildscene Photography Workshops Terms & Conditions.
A 50% non refundable deposit is required to hold the booking, the reservation is made when deposit has been received from you and the booking confirmed via email from Wildscene Photography Workshops.
Deposits paid are not refundable, the balance for the workshop booked is payable one month before the start date of the workshop.
Unless notice of cancellation is received before the balance payment date the balance will remain payable and due.
It is your responsibility to take out travel insurance to cover the cost of sickness and unforeseen eventualities.
If your trip has to be cancelled by Wildscene Photography Workshops, a full refund of monies payed by you will be made, however no further liability will be accepted by Wildscene Photography Workshops.
During your workshop you must behave in a way that is not disruptive, upsetting or dangerous to you or anyone else and you must follow the requests of the workshop leader.
Wildscene Photography Workshops will be able to terminate your participation in the workshop if your behaviour is, in its reasonable opinion, in breach of this obligation and in such circumstances Wildscene Photography Workshops will not be liable for any cost and / or loss you incur which is a result of your actions or the actions of a third party unconnected with which Wildscene Photography Workshops could not reasonably foresee any unusual or unforeseeable event beyond reasonable control of Wildscene Photography Workshops.
It is a fundamental booking condition that you accept the hazards involved in visiting remote areas and engaging in potentially dangerous activities.
To take part in one of our workshops you must be covered by adequate insurance for the duration of the workshop and for the activities undertaken.
The insurance must cover the cancellation and curtailment by the operator, including workshops where boats are used for the workshop or for transportation purposes, medical and emergency expenses ( including repatriation ) personal accident, injury and death.
In addition you should be insured against loss or damage to baggage, personal possessions and flight cancellations and delays.
Wildscene Photography Workshops does not accept liability for death, bodily injury or illness unless that arises from the negligent act or omission of Wildscene Photography Workshops employees during the course of their employment.
By signing our booking form you acknowledge that Wildscene Photography Workshops has taken reasonable steps to safeguard it's liability in this respect.
Deposits paid are not refundable, the balance for the workshop booked is payable one month before the start date of the workshop.
Unless notice of cancellation is received before the balance payment date the balance will remain payable and due.
It is your responsibility to take out travel insurance to cover the cost of sickness and unforeseen eventualities.
If your trip has to be cancelled by Wildscene Photography Workshops, a full refund of monies payed by you will be made, however no further liability will be accepted by Wildscene Photography Workshops.
During your workshop you must behave in a way that is not disruptive, upsetting or dangerous to you or anyone else and you must follow the requests of the workshop leader.
Wildscene Photography Workshops will be able to terminate your participation in the workshop if your behaviour is, in its reasonable opinion, in breach of this obligation and in such circumstances Wildscene Photography Workshops will not be liable for any cost and / or loss you incur which is a result of your actions or the actions of a third party unconnected with which Wildscene Photography Workshops could not reasonably foresee any unusual or unforeseeable event beyond reasonable control of Wildscene Photography Workshops.
It is a fundamental booking condition that you accept the hazards involved in visiting remote areas and engaging in potentially dangerous activities.
To take part in one of our workshops you must be covered by adequate insurance for the duration of the workshop and for the activities undertaken.
The insurance must cover the cancellation and curtailment by the operator, including workshops where boats are used for the workshop or for transportation purposes, medical and emergency expenses ( including repatriation ) personal accident, injury and death.
In addition you should be insured against loss or damage to baggage, personal possessions and flight cancellations and delays.
Wildscene Photography Workshops does not accept liability for death, bodily injury or illness unless that arises from the negligent act or omission of Wildscene Photography Workshops employees during the course of their employment.
By signing our booking form you acknowledge that Wildscene Photography Workshops has taken reasonable steps to safeguard it's liability in this respect.